Gambling Problem Solution Essay

Posted : admin On 4/12/2022
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  1. Gambling Problem Solution Essay Example
  2. Gambling Problem Solution Essay Examples
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    GamblingAs time marches on into the twenty first century, gambling has become an increasing problem in the United Sates. The continuing problem has hurt the lives of many often leading to actions such as suicides. The problem with gambling today is it is not taken as a serious problem by the American world. According to Richard Wilhelm, it is thought of as “ a recreational hobby that has little negative affects”(2). Little does much of the public know that gambling is a serious addiction that

Words: 569 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 29254973. Thus, people become too involved in the gambling itself, loosing control of taking back their senses. This then can result in a serious gambling problem, which if not treated properly, can harbor serious negative ramifications within the context of the person's life. Problem gambling is defined as all gambling behavior patterns that can compromise, disrupt or damage personal, family or vocational pursuits. It can affect both the person who gambles to excess as well as others (such as family members, co-workers, employers or community members) (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, n.d.). The text states that the one problem in gambling has visibly endured is known as problem gambling. Government officials have long demanded a solution from gaming operators to address this major issue. Too many issues go along with problem gambling such as crime, family and work problems, and financial damage. Essay,Pages 7 (1639 words) Gambling is an act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning. It also involves a significant risk as the material good (usually money) wagered in the game may be lost if the player does not win.


Last updated: 10/25/2018
Author: Medical Review

Reading Time: 3minutes

The number one gambling addiction fact that you should know is that gambling is NOT just a financial problem. Some problem gamblers do not have financial issues even though they may lose money gambling. Gambling is an emotional issue where a person feels the need to gamble to alleviate stress or because they feel a certain type of euphoria when they gamble. Gambling is an obsession that can take over your life if you let it go too far, this can lead to the loss of relationships, jobs, and, yes, finances, but the issue behind compulsive gambling is not financial, it is emotional.

Nine more Gambling Addiction Facts

Gambling addiction affects men much more often than women.

  1. Gambling is a BILLION dollar industry. In America, gambling has become a $40 billion dollar a year industry. Las Vegas alone brings in close to 10 billion dollars a year from people gambling at their casinos and placing bets.
  2. It is common for people to blame certain types of gambling methods, such as lotteries, casinos, and racetracks for causing compulsive gambling, but gambling problems are not caused from gambling being easily attainable, they are caused from a person’s inability to control their gambling habits. There are far more people who gamble on occasion than there are people who are compulsive gamblers.
  3. It has been estimated that around 80 percent of the US population has gambled in their lifetime. Gambling can be done in various different ways and therefore is easy for people to access.
  4. Pathological gamblers are significantly more likely to have mental health disorders and/or substance use disorders.
  5. A research study found that 75% of gamblers had an alcohol disorder, 38% had a drug use disorder, and 60% were nicotine dependent.
  6. 50% of gamblers have experienced a mood disorder, 41.3% had experienced an anxiety disorder, and 60.8% had experienced a personality disorder.
  7. Men are more likely to develop a gambling problem than women.
  8. It is estimated that three to four percent of the American population has a gambling problem; this is approximately between six to eight million people.
  9. The last gambling addiction fact to remember is that compulsive gambling does not mean that you are a weak person. Many people who have become problem gamblers are very successful and are seen by others as strong and intelligent people.

Gambling Problem Solution Essay Example

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Gambling Problem Solution Essay Examples

If you have come to the conclusion that you have a problem with gambling there are options out there for you to consider. There are a plethora of gambling rehabilitation centers out there for you to choose from and there are numerous gambling hotlines that you can call in order to speak to an anonymous person regarding your gambling habits. Having support from outside sources and being able to talk to other people who understand your addiction have been proven to help people like you overcome their addictions.