Okinawa Japan Casino

Posted : admin On 4/15/2022
Okinawa Japan Casino 7,0/10 4809 votes

Editor’s Note: Round 1 Entertainment Centerwas originally reviewed on Okinawa Hai on June 12, 2009; you can read a PDF copy of that original review HERE. The post below is an updated take on this attraction, published August 9, 2016.


NAKAGUSUKU, Okinawa — One of Okinawa’s most popular haunts — the ruins of an unfinished hotel where American teens scared friends on moonless nights and military gamers fired paintballs and BB.

  1. Located in Naha on Okinawa’s main island, the Okinawa Harborview Hotel is a city resort hotel long cherished by locals for representing the best of Okinawan hospitality.
  2. She was born on March 5, 1939 in Okinawa, Japan and raised by her loving parents with her 6 sisters and 2 brothers. In 1965, she married the love of her life Joe while he was stationed at Kadena Air Base in Okinawa and eventually settled in Hanover in 1970. Mickey was known for her humor, great laugh and infectious personality.

Round 1 is a 24-hour amusement place that offers bowling, arcades, sports, karaoke, food and drinks. It has much to offer everyone of all ages – read on to find out more!


Round 1 can be a bit intimidating on the first visit because it’s huge. Spread over multiple floors, it can seem like it might be a bit of a chore to navigate. Not at all. The floors are laid out in sections, so check the map next to the elevators (which have English as well as Japanese translations), and hit the button for the floor you want! Each area has various options for entrance. You can choose to stay for a minimum of 90 minutes, 3 hours, or a 24-hour pass. Each of these options can then be supplemented with drinks and food vouchers too, and you can combine options, so if you want to do bowling as well as the arcade, you can add them together. Prices are okay; for a big family it would be a fairly expensive trip, however, you can make it cheaper.

Loyalty Card

These are free to apply for. Bring them to every visit and make sure the staff stamps them, earning you discounts and rewards the more you visit. Also, download Round 1’s app. It’s all in Japanese, however, if you show it to staff, they can help you add coupons and discounts to your loyalty card, further reducing your entrance! Great way to save, and gives you an excuse to go back more than once!

This just answered my what to do on the first day of summer break question. Thank you!




Okinawa is a great place to get stationed if you are up for an adventure and love water. You can use it as a stepping stone to travel through Asia or Europe, just know that travel off the island in most cases is not cheap.

This is a whole different lifestyle than the U.S. The Okinawans are very laid back, and you may feel like you are going back in time when everything closes early and you need cash more than cards. While it is much safer than America, you still need to take precautions with locking your cars and houses. It is common for people to open your door for deliveries off base and there have been cases of military id theft in cars.

The island of Okinawa is very small, 67 miles long and 2-17 miles wide. Don’t let that fool you, it can take hours to get places. Even though the distance between some of the bases is quite short, traffic can be heavy, the speed is slow, and the roads are very curvy which results in traffic jams and longer commutes.

There are seven USMC camps on Okinawa. Courtney, Foster, Lester, and Kinser are for Marines and families to live. Hansen, Schwab, and Futenma are for Marines to live. Click here for a map of Okinawa.

There is also Kadena Air Base, that has many restaurants (including Chili’s) and other activities that the Marine Corps bases may not have. Torii Station (Army) and White Beach (Navy) offer different activities as well.

Japan is a great place to get stationed if you are up for adventure. You can use it as a stepping stone to see much of Asia or Europe because the destinations are so much closer than the states.

Okinawa Japan North Augusta


We have a very humid climate here because we are surrounded by the water and live in a sub-tropical place. The summer is HOT HOT HOT; more hot than Oklahoma and Vegas but if you are from Texas you’ll do fine! Be prepared to feel moisture and heat when you step outside. The fall is very nice for it is very warm. The winter is mild usually in the 60′s. Spring 60′s and 70′s. People say May-June is rainy season but in my opinion it’s always the rainy season. Typhoon season is from June-Nov. Typhoons cause for a lot of wind and rain and the base will usually shut down. Everything here is built to typhoon standards, so when a warning is issued, everyone goes home. Some typhoons cause more damage than others, but with renters insurance, you will be covered.

Okinawa japan christmas

USMC Weather Page and Kadena USAF Weather Page

What is there to do in Okinawa Japan?

Area Activities

Aquarium: The second largest aquarium in the world is housed here in Okinawa. It is located on the northern end of the island. It has the world’s largest single tank which houses 3 large whale sharks along with hundreds of other fish. From Foster to the Aquarium it takes about 90 minutes by car on the tollway.

Ocean: The ocean in Okinawa is truly spectacular. If you have a love for the water, this might just be the place for you! Okinawa is a tropical environment and the water is the most beautiful shade of blue. It is a huge hotspot for snorkeling and scuba diving. You can get certified for scuba diving once you are here!


Okinawa Japan Casino Hotel


Okinawa Japan Casino Entertainment